Open Edge and click the triple-dot button in in the upper-right.You may want to run that and see if Gaming Services & Gamepass Games Won't Install/update. If you want to download a free game, click or tap the Get button. Organize work and life with Todoist for Microsoft Edge. Xbox Cloud Gaming for Windows 10 PC and Apple Phones and Tablets Begin as Limited Beta for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Members by Catherine Gluckstein, Vice President & Head of Product, Project xCloud.

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Signing out and then signing back into the Microsoft Store is another potent fix that can help deal with Microsoft Store-related download issues.Bring up the Microsoft Store app by clicking on the Store icon in your taskbar or pressing the WINDOW icon key on your keyboard then typing " Store " > Open. On your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, open the App Store app.Head to the Play Store and then tap on the menu button in the upper left corner (three lines).GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage –allusers2 - start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHNTagserror 0x80073d12 halo, Take the time to manually update the Microsoft Gaming Services extension to ensure you have the latest files. From information provided in this thread, try delete these 2 keys and reboot and then see if it helps: If not, then try follow Kevin's steps and see if they can fix it. GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage –allusers2 - start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHNTagserror 0x80073d12 halo, Commands: wsresetPowershell command: https: 1 - get-appxpackage Microsoft. Open the Microsoft Store and select the profile portrait to the top-right of the window.