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While such information is thought to be reliable, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. The property-related information displayed on this page is obtained from public records and other sources. You may also be interested in homes for sale in nearby neighborhoods like Monterey Vista, New Monterey, Old Town, and Del Monte Beach. Check out other properties near 2 Deer Stalker Path - 15 Deer Forest Dr, 10 Antler Pl, 29 Deer Forest Dr, 5 Antler Pl, and 7 Black Tail Ln. The median listing price in Monterey is $1,124,000, which is 85% greater than the California median listing price of $605,000.

That was recorded the night the General arrived. 2 Deer Stalker Path, Monterey, CA 93940 has a price per square foot of $485, which is 26% less than the Monterey price per square foot of $662. To his right there was a disturbance and suddenly he could see an MV-26 Stalker flare in for a landing.