Analog pedals and integrated traditional amp heads and combos? Chances are, soon nobody would even make them anymore. Even your aspiring weekend rock warrior at the 200-capacity local venue was racking it up circa 1989.

And where would your three-channel tube preamp go, and the dual-100-watt power amp that you slaved it all into? Guitar pedals and old-school amps-leave that stuff for the garage bands and blues clubs. The rack system was it, baby, and who would expect to see anything but a big-ass rack rig in the backlines of concert stages the world over?Īfter all, those 19-inch reverbs and delays and harmonizers weren't going to wire up themselves. Not impossible, especially since yours isn't huge, but I had a pretty tough time getting mine even, as you can see by the very charming burn marks.There was a time in the mid-'80s to early '90s when any guitarist working in the realm of rock would have bet their Boogie that the traditional rig-consisting of a few effects pedals into a guitar amp-would soon go the way of the dodo. The angle is going to be tricky to do without a table saw and jig. However, DON'T believe the package when it says "No Pre-Drilling Required." Pre-drill.

Get the particleboard screws at Lowe's or Home depot. If I was patient, I would have gotten the rails online and saved a few bucks. Altogether I probably paid under $150, though, and when you compare it to something like the Middle Atlantic SRK you save a bundle. I was in a pinch and ended up paying bloated Guitar Center prices. You won't need a full sheet of MDF to do that though. I spent about $35 for the sheet of MDF (and you can get smaller), maybe 15 for all the hardware. I actually just built a rack last weekend.