The Crimson Command would remain in Imperial service for the remainder of its existence, carrying out guerrilla raids against the New Republic. Its number was increased to 112, Pellaeon was assigned to command a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers, and Colonel Ivan Cronus was put in command of the 13X. After siding with Imperial Remnant leader Natasi Daala and unifying the warlords (by killing them), the Crimson Command was once again under the control of the Empire.

After briefly serving under the Reborn Palpatine, Teradoc once again broke away with the 73 Crimson Command units under his command.īy 12 ABY, the Command was led by disillusioned Imperial Vice Admiral Gilad Pellaeon in the flagship 13X. After the Battle of Endor, control of the Command fell to self-styled "High Admiral" Treuten Teradoc, a headstrong warlord. Prior to 4 ABY, the command was given to Grand Moff Zsinj in recognition of his brilliant career. The Crimson Command (dubbed "Crimson" for the red hulls they had) was designed under a rather unorthodox Imperial premise: that a large fleet of smaller, mobile ships was more advantageous than a small fleet of large, slow ships. It carries an armament of 60/6 Turbolasers, 20/4 Dual Heavy Turbolasers, and 40/4 Ion Cannons. Names listed here represent vessels available to various forces in this Sim, and do not reflect total number of vessels of this class.The Crimson Command Victory II-class Star Destroyer is a unique heavy frigate available to the Imperial Remnant in Era 4 and the Greater Maldrood in all eras. HIMS Subjugator | HIMS Vindictive | HIMS Eviscerator | HIMS Malignant | HIMS Iniquity | HIMS Renegade | NRSD Fusillade | NRSD Reprisal | GSS Black Eagle | CDF Coronet | CSAV Profiteer | CSAV Corporate Buyout They were sent out in pairs or with other ships, regularly moving into areas of suspected Rebel or pirate activity to pacify the sector.Īlthough it had the same distinctive atmospheric maneuvering surfaces as the Victory I, this class was incapable of entering atmospheres.

The Victory II destroyers were used as patrol and blockade starships, as well as having main duty serving as sector patrols. With this in mind, the designers fitted the ships with powerful Hoersch-Kessel engines, as well as adding ion cannons and enhanced tractor beam projectors for interdiction duty. Not in service until after the end of the Clone Wars, the Victory II-class Star Destroyers were produced in lesser quantity than the Mk.I model, yet came to have significant influence on Imperial ship-manufacturing.ĭesigned for deep space-combat, these vessels traded firepower, shields, hull strength and carrying capability for speed and maneuverability.